Selection Tool

Edward Updated by Edward

Select – displays an advanced selection pulldown as shown below.

Across the top are several tabs that provide selection choices and utilities as described below.

The “All” tab shows all the selection shortcuts that have been generated as the result of recording groups and filling in certain detail columns in the patch window. The first set of numbered buttons (in this example, the ones labelled “LED tape RGB…”, & “Spot Group”) are selection shortcuts that were assigned when recording groups. The lower sets of numbered buttons are generated automatically from the patch detail columns “Color”, “Position” and “Purpose” if entries have been made in them.

This tab has the following buttons and switches at the bottom:

  • Edit – Opens the Group window to allow editing.
  • Add – Creates a group based on the currently selected channels.
  • Detach – Changes the pulldown to an independent window that can re-positioned.
  • Filter by selected matrices – Selections will be filtered by the fixtures include in any matrices that are selected in the Magic Sheet view.
  • Filter by current selection – Selections will be filtered by the currently selected channels. Ex: The group “R02” contains channels in groups “1st Elec” and “2nd Elec”. If after “R02” has been applied, applying “1st Elec” will deselect any channels in “2nd Elec”.
  • Filter by fixtures in the active cue – Similar to above, selections will be filtered by those that are recorded into the current cue.
NEO NOTES & TIPS: The selection shortcuts are influenced by the “Inclusive Selection Mode”. When this mode is set, each selection shortcut will combine its fixtures with those already selected and toggle their states, i.e. those already selected will be unselected and vice-versa. If this mode is not set, then all fixtures not in the group being chosen will be unselected.

The ”Groups”, “Positions”, “Purpose” & “Color” tabs show just those shortcuts belonging to the particular category.

The “Fixture Type” tab displays selection buttons for any intelligent fixtures patched into the current show.

The “Frames” tab provides an easy way choose colors and gobos that are available in the selected fixture(s). Below is an example of what you would see if you have Vari-Lite VL2600 and VL6500 fixtures patched and selected:

This tab has the following buttons at the bottom:

  • Clear Other Gobo Wheels – When this option is turned on, any adjacent wheels to the one being used will be cleared to their open position.
  • Find Closest Gobo Match – If the gobo selected is not available in the fixture(s) to which it is being applied, the software will attempt to find the one that most closely matches.

The “Tools & Macros” tab contains some advanced utilities as shown below.

Selection Tools

  • Odd - This will turn off the selection state of all the even fixtures.
  • Even - This will turn off the selection state of all the odd fixtures.
  • Interleave – This option provides a way to modify the current selection to create a repetitive pattern of fixtures. When selected, the following dialog box appears:
  • The “Select every” value specifies the repeat interval and the “Cluster by” value specifies how many fixtures within the repeat interval to select. Thus, with the default values of 3 and 1, the first of every 3 currently selected fixtures would stay selected while the others would be deselected.
  • Randomize Selection Order – When multiple selections are made, the order is recorded internally. This option provides a way to randomize the order. This can be useful when creating effects or using the fan tool.
  • Up & Down – Selects those fixtures whose values have increased or decreased respectively from the previous cue.

Pan & Tilt Tools – For intelligent fixtures that have pan and tilt functions, the buttons of this section provide a variety of movement commands that can be performed on the selected fixture(s). The options are:

  • Mirror Pan – Move pan position from its current location to the same offset on the other side of center.
  • Mirror Tilt – Move tilt position from its current location to the same offset on the other side of center.
  • Mirror Pan and Tilt – Performs both operations together.
  • Flip Pan 360˚ - Add/Subtract 360˚ from the current pan position and move fixture if within range.
  • Flip Pan 180˚ - Add/Subtract 180˚ from the current pan position and move fixture if within range.
  • Flip Pan 180˚ and Mirror Tilt – Performs both operations together.

Fixture Macros – Some fixtures have a standardized method for lighting or extinguishing their lamps and resetting their attributes to default values. NEO has built-in macros to perform these functions which are activated by the buttons in this section.

Relay Control – Controls all DMX addresses assigned as relays in the patch. Relays may be activated or deactivated using these buttons.

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Selection Keys & Options

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