Channels - Attributes

Edward Updated by Edward

The Attributes window is designed to work specifically with intelligent fixtures (moving lights) and groups of fixtures by their type.

This view is scrollable both vertically and horizontally.


Any of the attributes shown in this view can be directly edited by clicking on the cell. An appropriate popup control will appear. If a palette is in control of the attribute, it will be shown in green under the attribute value.


There are options that can be applied to this view that are accessed by clicking on the gear symbol in the upper left corner:

Ungroup/Group – If you click on the Group button, a submenu appears that allows the fixtures to be separated by fixture type, position or purpose divided by appropriate banners. Fixtures listed under each banner can be displayed or collapsed by clicking on the button to the left of each label. If you click on Ungroup, the fixtures will be listed in patch order with no banners.


Show Position & Purpose Columns – If unchecked, those columns will be hidden allowing more space for attribute data to be shown.


Include Simple RGB Fixtures – If unchecked, fixtures such as RGB PARs will not be shown in this view. The default for this option is settable in System Properties>Appearance.


Use minimal text in ML view – When checked, shortens some column labels and adjusts column sizes to allow more space for attribute data to be shown. The default for this option is settable in System Properties>Appearance.


Programmer View – This is a special view that only shows fixtures that are selected and any attributes that have been changed manually. When this option is selected, another option appears labelled: “Show only attributes columns containing data”. Setting this option removes any columns that have not been changed.

 Touch Selected Channels – For recording and updating purposes, the software internally flags any selected fixtures that have been manually adjusted from the state they were in. This function will set the “changed” flag for all selected fixtures even if no manual changes have been applied.

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Channels - Grid

