Text Conventions

The NEO system provides the user with different methods of entering commands and operations depending on the model being used. The NEO and NEO Compact 10 consoles have physical keys, sliders, and rotary encoders that can be used to control the system. In addition, all models support built-in or external touchscreen monitors and keyboards through which commands can be entered.

The following command conventions are used to express:

Physical Console Keys

  • Console Keys - Indicated by enclosing the key legend (in caps) in square brackets.
EXAMPLE: [RECORD] [CUE] means press and release the [RECORD] key followed by the [CUE] key.
  • Shifted Console Key - Indicated by preceding the key legend with [SHIFT]+.
Example: [SHIFT]+[RELEASE] means hold down [SHIFT] key and then press [RELEASE].
  • Modified Text on the Command Line - Console keys are contextual, that is the order in which they are pressed may result in different commands being posted. When the command posted on the Command Line differs from the key legend, the altered text will be shown in single quotes.
Example 1: [SHIFT]+[THRU] ‘THRU ON’ means when [THRU] is pressed while holding down [SHIFT], it will post “THRU ON” (without the quotes) on the command line which has a different action than the unshifted [THRU] key.
Example 2: [CUE] [2] [EDIT] ‘TEXT’ Stage Warmer would update Cue 2’s description.
  • Choice of console keys – If you have a choice to select from a series of console keys, the choices will be listed separated by the vertical bar character.
Example: [RECORD] [POSITION | COLOR | BEAM | EDGE] means press the [RECORD] key followed by one of the listed keys, for instance [COLOR].

Alphanumeric Keyboard Keys

  • Keyboard entries – Commands and other text can be placed on the Command Line via a physical or virtual alphanumeric keyboard. Characters entered via the keyboard appear in bold with non-printing characters included within angle brackets. Example: <ENTER>.
  • Reference placeholders – Included within curly brackets. Example: {attribute}.
  • Optional parameters – Included within square brackets. Example: [dmx].
  • Alternate parameters – Separated by vertical bars within square brackets. Example: [on | off | solo].

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NEO Models
