Media Playback Effect

Edward Updated by Edward

The media playback effect provides an easy way to trigger audio and video clips from within NEO. You can use this feature to playback sound effects or video clips within a cue list.


Enter a name to identify the effect and click “OK”. The details will appear in the right-hand pane of the window.

Image or Video File: This is the actual media file located somewhere on your system. Click on “Select Media File” to open a file dialog for selecting your media.


Start Time: Set the time in HH:MM:SS that you want the media clip to play from. If (for example) you want the clip to play 1 minute and 23 seconds into the file, then enter 00:01:23 into the edit box provided. A further refinement of the start time can be set by entering a decimal value (0-999).


Play Length: Set the length in decimal seconds that the clip will play for before either stopping for playing again from the start position. A play length of 3.5 will play for 3 and a half seconds each time it runs.


Volume: This value will override the volume of the effect when it is played back.


Timecode Enabled: The internal timecode will always read the last played effect time. If you want to play other media while using the internal timecode of a master track, turn this off for all the audio tracks other than the one you want timecode read from.


The system relies on the correct codecs for the media to be played back. If the codec is not available on the system, then an error may occur when attempting the playback.


There are a number of global media playback controls that can be set in the “System Properties”. See section Media Settings for more information.


If you attempt to play a video file and have only a single monitor connected, then the software will only show the video in a window on your primary display. In a multi monitor situation the system will default to use the 2nd display as the full screen output of the video clip.


The effects editor will show a preview of the video clip in the black box. Only when the effect is run in an effect playback or cue list will it play full screen.

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