Creating a Matrix

Edward Updated by Edward

Creating a Matrix

To create a new matrix definition, click on the “Add Matrix” button in the bottom left corner of the window. A dialog will ask you to enter a name for the new matrix. Click on the “OK” button and the new definition will appear in the list on the left-hand side of the window. A blank layout window with controls across the top will be displayed.

Next Fixture – In this box, enter the first fixture to be included in the matrix. As fixtures are placed on the diagram, the “Next Fixture” value will increment automatically. You can change the number any time before placing the next fixture if they’re not patched consecutively. For multicell fixtures, you can enter the sub-fixture number also (Ex: 37.1).

Layout & Sub-fixture Alignment – These buttons contain pulldown menus.

These two menus provide some basic tools to help in creating a matrix with certain shapes and orientations.

NEO Notes & Tips: The two menus interact with one another. The Sub-fixture Alignment menu applies to multi-cell fixtures only. If you wish to work with individual cells of a multi-cell fixture, set the Sub-fixture Alignment to “Free Form”.
Layout Options

Linear: With this option set, fixtures or cells may be placed anywhere on the layout screen. An individual cell can be placed by clicking the mouse or a cluster of cells may be placed using the ‘click & drag’ method. As cells are placed, the next fixture available to add to the matrix will increment automatically but can be manually overridden. Once placed, cells may be selected and moved individually or in groups. Cells can be selected and deleted using the “Trash Can” button the upper right corner.

Diagonal & Diagonal Tight: When using the ‘click & drag’ method, the starting cell becomes anchored and subsequent cells will form a line between the starting and ending positions. When the “Diagonal Tight” option is set, the individual cells will overlap each other partially.

Circle: When this option is set, two new edit boxes appear in the top line to allow you to set the maximum number of cells in the circle and the angle where the first cell is placed. Once the starting fixture address is set, the circle will be formed by clicking and dragging. The size of the circle can be adjusted by dragging diagonally. As the circle is enlarged, more cells are added up to the maximum specified.

Snake Numbering & Number Vertically: Applies to “Linear” layouts only. When both are unset, the cells in a rectangle are addressed sequentially horizontally row by row starting in the upper left corner. When “Snake Numbering” is set, alternate rows will have ascending and descending addresses. When “Number Vertically” is set, the cells are addressed sequentially vertically column by column. If both are set, alternate columns will have ascending and descending addresses.

Select All: Provides an easy way to select all cells in the matrix so they can be moved or deleted together.

Sub-fixture Alignment Options

Fixture Profile: A new feature has been added to the Fixture Editor that allows a custom layout of the cells in a multi-cell fixture to be added to a fixture’s profile. When creating a matrix, this option will load the custom layout from the profile of a patched fixture instead of the default linear layout. See the “NEO Lighting Control Console Fixture Library Editor User’s Manual” for information on the “Sub Fixture Layout” option.

Free Form: This option allows you to place individual cells or groups of cells into the matrix layout. If you are manually entering an address into the “Next Fixture” box, you must specify the sub-fixture (Ex: 47.6) of the first cell.

Vertical, Horizontal & Diagonal: When one of these options is set, all the cells in a multi-cell fixture will be placed in the layout in the direction chosen. Also, two new options appear:

Invert Sub Fixture Order: Places the cells in the reverse order, starting with the highest sub-fixture cell in the chosen fixture.

Add Sub Fixtures Tightly: When set, the individual cells will overlap each other partially.

Grid Sizing and Positioning Controls

Scale Value: The size of the work area can be adjusted using the spin/edit box in the upper right-hand corner of the window. To the right of the “Trash Can” button is a button that will adjust the scale value, so all elements placed in the matrix are visible.

Pan Button: With the pointer hovering over this control, click and drag to move the center of the layout to a new position.

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