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Edward Updated by Edward

Default Filter Library - Color filters (gels) are available from a number of suppliers. Use this option to choose the filter manufacturer used in commands.

Run Shortcut on Startup - Default: None – A shortcut that performs some action (such as initializing fixtures) can be triggered when NEO is started. Use this option to specify the shortcut to be triggered.

Run Shortcut on Shutdown - Default: None – A shortcut that performs some action (such as resetting fixtures) can be triggered when NEO is shut down (exited). Use this option to specify the shortcut to be triggered.

Console Shortcut Page - NEO console only – Sets the default console shortcut keys page.

Lock Code - NEO can be locked to prevent accidental changes while unattended. Use this option to enter a (numeric) code that would need to be entered to unlock the software. An image file can be chosen that will be displayed when the system is locked.

Override Takes Precedence over HTP - Factory Default: On – Normally, override behavior will not apply to HTP channels if the override value is less than the HTP value. With this option set, the LTP value will take priority over the HTP value.

Don’t Record Parked Channels - Factory Default: On – Typically, channels are parked expressly to exclude them from being recorded into cues. An example would be the house lights being on while cues are being recorded but they would be off when running the show in a performance. However, you can set this option off if you really want to record parked channels. An example would be a dimmer parked at full to provide constant power.

Trim Height - Here you can enter a value in either meters or feet that represents the height of moving fixtures above the stage. This value is used along with a special position palette to calculate relative offsets when positioning moving lights. See Special Groups for more information.

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