Recording & Updating Groups & Palettes - Command Line

Edward Updated by Edward

There are two ways to record or update these items using console keys:

[RECORD] by itself will display a shortcuts menu above the command line.

The desired item to be recorded may be chosen by tapping the appropriate button or pressing the indicated shortcut key on the console (for items 1-10). A submenu of shortcuts providing recording options will be displayed.

Another method is: [RECORD] (item console key) for Group, Sub, Intensity, Position, Color, Beam, Edge, plus [RECORD] [SHIFT] + [SUB] ‘PRESET (SELECTED)’ for Preset. Repeated pressing of the item key will cycle through the recording options Selected, Selected & Changed, Changed, Active.

Another option available from the submenu is “Exclude Zeros”. When added to the Record or Update command, this option will skip over any attributes whose value is zero rather than forcing them to zero. An example where this is useful is recording a color palette with only one color mixer level (RED, for instance).

NEO Notes & Tips: Fixture defaults may need to be adjusted for the above to work properly. In the example shown, all color mixer levels would need to default to zero to allow independent control.

It’s also possible to add an attribute family other than the family chosen for record or update. For example, [RECORD] [BEAM] ‘BEAM (SELECTED’ [COLOR] [ENTER] would record a beam palette with color added.

[RECORD] [GENERIC PALETTE] - Records all attributes of the selected or changed fixtures without channel data.

NEO Notes & Tips: The use of generic palettes is discouraged in favor of using virtual palettes and may be removed in a future release.

For submasters, the number may be entered using the console numeric keys or by pressing the desired submaster bump key. In any bank of submasters, the unassigned controls will have unlit bump keys. The submaster page may be set by using the [PAGE UP] & [PAGE DOWN] keys.

Also for submasters, [SUB] (#) [THRU] [SUB] (#) [RECORD] [SUB] (#) [ENTER] allows the ability to record a range of submasters to another submaster (Example: [SUB] [1] [THRU] [5] [RECORD] [SUB] [6] [ENTER]).

For the other items, the number will be incremented automatically. If a number is entered and that item already exists, a warning message will be displayed with a choice to overwrite the item or not.

For all items, a group name may added/changed by pressing the [EDIT] key and entering the name using the physical or virtual alphanumeric keyboard.

Substituting [UPDATE] for [RECORD] in the commands above can be used to update (edit) an existing item.

Any item may be deleted by [SHIFT] + [EDIT] ‘DELETE’ (item key) (#) [ENTER]. Example: [SHIFT] + [EDIT] ‘DELETE’ [COLOR] (3). A confirmation dialog will be presented. 

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Palette Types

Record Group
