Paths Tab

Edward Updated by Edward

Normally when working with intelligent fixtures, you want the parameters to change while the fixture is dark, like moving to a new location or changing color.  However, there are occasions when you want a move or a color change to happen live.  This tab provides an easy way to create these kinds of effects. You can create two types of path: movement (pan & tilt) and color.  A cue may have multiple paths of each type set up for it.  The figure below shows one of each.

Add Movement Path – clicking this button brings up the following window:

To create a path, first enter the channel(s) that will be used in the box marked “Channels”.  Multiple channels can be specified as a comma-separated list and/or an inclusive list using the slash (“/”) character.  Move the mouse over the box with the crosshairs to the X and Y coordinates for the starting position of the path and click.  A red dot will appear indicating the start position.  Next, move the mouse to the next waypoint in the path and click.  Continue moving and clicking until the endpoint is reached.  The path may be altered by clicking and dragging on any of the anchor points (red dots).


The grid may be expanded or reduced with the “Resize” buttons and moved around by use of the 4 arrow buttons.  Clicking on the “X” will remove the latest waypoint. “Elasticity” refers to the curviness of the lines between points.  A positive value makes the lines straighter and a negative value makes them more curved.


At any time, you can see the results live by clicking on the “Test” button, which will run the path at a fixed rate. When the cue is run, the path will be traversed in the Cue Time or an override time specified for the channel(s) in the path.


Add Color Path – Clicking this button brings up the following window:

Creating a color path is similar to creating a movement path as described above.  In the color spectrum diagram, lightly saturated colors are at the top and more deeply saturated colors are at the bottom.  A color path of this type works best on fixtures that have color-mixing capabilities.


NEO Notes & Tips: While a cue can have multiple paths of both types set up, each path should operate on its own fixtures.  Specifying the same fixture in multiple paths will produce unintended results.

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