MIDI Learn

Edward Updated by Edward

To make it easier to set up MIDI triggers being received from an external device or program, NEO can learn events as you go.  The following is an example of a received event:

Click on the “START LEARNING” button to begin listening for MIDI events. As soon as a MIDI message sent to NEO is received, the “Found MIDI event” options will be shown.


Use the ACTION options to determine what the MIDI event will do. To the right of the action options will appear any additional parameters required. For example, to execute a shortcut you must set the number you want to trigger.


Once you have set what you want the event to do, click on the Save button. The event will be added to the appropriate type, i.e. “Note Triggers”, “Note Velocity” or “Control Change Events”.


NEO Notes & Tips: Timecode events are handled differently.  See Timecode (MTC)/ Clock description below.


Click on the Cancel button to return to the “START LEARNING” state without saving the current event.


Use the “Save and Start” button to save the event action and return to the learn state.

How did we do?

MIDI Control

Note Triggers
