Palette Windows

Edward Updated by Edward

Clicking on the “Palettes” button in the bottom row of the Main Display or pressing <F6> on the keyboard displays the following menu:

NEO Notes & Tips: With the exception of the “Generic Palettes” button, the specific palette buttons call up the same displays as the “Palettes” button in the top row of the Main Display as detached windows.



The following options are available:


Use 3D buttons – Default: Off.  3D buttons have a shaded appearance and are generally sharper than the normal buttons.  Turn this feature off if you experience slow response in painting the window.


Set fixed font size – Default: 8. Sets the size of the button legends.


Set grid size – Default: 10x10. Controls the number of buttons appearing in each window.


Create default show colors – Creates a set of palettes with some basic colors and adds them to the “Show” tab of the standard color picker.


Create full color page – When applied to an empty page, populates the page’s grid with a selection of colors spanning the entire visible color spectrum. This provides a quick way to generate a range of color palettes that can be used in developing a show.


Clear page – When clicked, will display a confirming dialog. If you answer “Yes”, all the palettes on the current page will be deleted.


Skip unused palettes – Removes any numbered boxes that are blank for a cleaner looking grid. This is a toggle switch, so clicking it again will restore the blank boxes.


How did we do?

Record Palette

Generic Palettes
