Visual Timecode Editor

Edward Updated by Edward

To make working with timecoded shows easier, NEO provides an advanced visual editor. Each timecoded section of the cue list can be viewed as an audio waveform with each timecode point represented by a line in the display.

To use this window, select any cue that contains a media track. You will see a “working…” dialog while the software builds the waveform display. Once this has been displayed it will only be regenerated if a different media track is selected.


NEO will automatically calculate the first and last cue for this section of the show based on the media track. The first cue that contains this media is shown on the right-hand panel as is the last cue with this media.


The “Next Cue” and “Prev Cue” buttons can be used to traverse through the cue list. You can also use the keyboard shortcut of <ALT>+p and <ALT>+n.


For each of the cues in the range selected, a grey line will be shown representing each of the timecode points. Note that these will only show if the trigger is set to “Timecode”.


At any time, you can play the media using the playback buttons at the top of the right-hand panel.


Once the media is playing you can pause the track and move the play ahead by using the mouse to click and drag the yellow line. As you move the line the audio is heard so that you can work out precisely the correct point to place a timecode point.


To move a timecode point, visually select the corresponding cue you want to edit. The line representing this cue will be highlighted in green and can be dragged using your mouse left and right along the timeline. As the position of the line changes the timecode value shown in the grid will also change.

To insert a new timecode point, right-click on the position in the waveform display and select “Insert new cue here” from the resulting popup menu.


NEO Notes & Tips: If you are working on the NEO Console, the encoder wheels can be used to select cues, position and size the waveform, and move the timecode point.

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