Cue Timing

Edward Updated by Edward

In addition to the options described above, cue timing values can be set using the [TIME] and [DELAY] keys. There are several levels of timing that can be specified:

  • Cue delay, fade up, down delay, fade down and FX delay times
  • Fixture group timing – use [PART] key to divide fixtures into separate lists, each with global times
  • Global attribute family timing
  • Fixture intensity and attribute family timing
  • Individual fixture attribute timing

Below are examples of setting times in a cue or cues. Substitute the [DELAY] key for the [TIME] key in the examples to set delay times. Relative times can be specified by preceding the value with [+] or [-].

[TIME] ‘CUE # TIME’ (time) [ENTER] – Set Up/Down time in seconds for currently selected cue. The time value can be set to two decimal places (Example: 2.35 = 2.35 seconds).

[CUE] (cue #) [TIME] ‘TIME’ (time) [ENTER] – Set Up/Down time for specified cue.

[CUE] (cuelist #) [CUE] ‘/’ (cue #) [TIME] (time) [ENTER] – Set Up/Down time for specified cue in specified cue list.

[TIME] ‘CUE # TIME’ (up time) [TIME] ‘/’ (down time) [ENTER] – Set split up & down times for currently selected cue.

[TIME] [TIME] [TIME] ‘POS TIME’ (time) [ENTER] – Set the global Position Attribute Family time. Additional [TIME] key presses will advance through Color, Beam, Edge. If any global attribute family time is set, the flag ‘aft’ will appear in the side bar cue list for the currently selected cue.

[CUE] (#) [THRU] (#) [TIME…] … [ENTER] – apply time values to a range of cues.

(channel list) [PART] (#) [ENTER]; [UPDATE] [UPDATE]; [PART] (#) [TIME…] (time) [ENTER] – Create a cue part consisting of the channels listed, then set cue or attribute family times for those channels separate from the cue timing.

(channel list) [TIME] (time) [ENTER] – Set channel intensity time for specified channel(s). The flag ‘F Timing’ will appear in the side bar cue list for the currently selected cue.

(channel list) [TIME] ([POSITION] | [COLOR] | [BEAM] | [EDGE]) (time) [ENTER]; [UPDATE] [UPDATE] – Set attribute family time for specified channel(s). The flag ‘C Timing’ will appear in the side bar cue list for the currently selected cue.

NEO Notes & Tips: The above commands are applied to the selected cue. 

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