
Edward Updated by Edward

NEO supports integration of visualization software packages. For more information, use one of the following links:

Enable Visualizer - Default: Off – Set to On to use this feature.

Enable Live Output to Visualizer - Default: On – Set to Off to temporarily disable output from NEO.

Accept Incoming Patch Information - Use this option to enable or disable receiving patch information if the visualizer supports sending it.

Send Fixture Selection - With this option turned on, NEO will send messages to the visualizer to indicate if a fixture is selected or not.

Receive Fixture Selection - With this option turned on NEO will select and de-select fixtures in the channel display when they are selected or de-selected in the visualizer.

Enable Auto Focus Exchange - Auto focus is the term used for transfer of fixture state between the visualizer and NEO. If enabled, changes made to the fixture in the visualizer will be transferred back to NEO. For example, setting the position of the fixture in the 3D environment can be translated automatically into pan and tilt information in NEO.

Add Snapshot of Live View to Cue Notes When Recording - Cue Notes can be stored in cues as described in Cue List Editor. If you are recording cues into NEO from a visualizer, a screen shot of the live view will be added to the cue note with this option enabled.  

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