Note Triggers

Edward Updated by Edward

The “Note Triggers” tab provides the ability to add any number of note on/off triggers to the system manually. Click on the “Add” button to create a new line in the list of triggers. To remove a trigger, click on the row you wish to remove and click on the “Remove” button.

Each trigger requires the following settings:


Description – This provides a way to identify the trigger by entering a description for your reference.


Channel – Identify the MIDI Channel to listen on (1-16).


Device – Interface device to listen on. This is a pulldown list of any MIDI interfaces connected to the system.


Note – This is the scale note that will trigger the event.


On/Off – Determine if the system will trigger by a note on or note off event.


Octave – The MIDI octave number of the scale note that will trigger the event.  The MIDI octave ranges from -1 to 9.  Note C in octave 4 is middle C, for example.  To help in translating the received MIDI message to the Note and Octave, use the following conversion chart:

Action – Each event can either trigger a shortcut, execute the GO command in the Master Playback or send a command to the Command Interface. Use the drop-down combo to select one of these options.


Shortcut/Command – If the action is set to “Shortcut”, this field is used to specify what shortcut number you want this trigger to execute. If set to “Command” enter the command syntax into this field (Example: cue go).


Import / Export – To help manage a large number of MIDI note triggers, you can import this information from a comma separated text file (.csv). Click on each of these buttons to open a standard Windows file dialog to select the file you want to import from or export to.


NEO Notes & Tips: You can create a .csv file with a text editor such as WordPad.  To see the format of the triggers, create a few manually and use Export to create a file to look at for reference.  Then you can edit your own .csv file and Import it into NEO.

When choosing the import option, a dialog will pop up asking you if you want to remove existing entries before importing the new data.

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