Saving & Loading Show Files

Edward Updated by Edward

The current show file can be saved to disk and given a new name or an existing show file can be loaded by use of the following commands:

save [“[{path}] {filename}”]

load “[{path}] {filename}”

If a path is not specified, the default show file folder is assumed. The file type .NEO will be added to the filename automatically. The entire string is enclosed in quotes.


save <ENTER> - If any changes have been made to the current show since it was loaded, the name shown in the Main Display sidebar will have an ”*” at the end and an archive copy of the original show file is created with “_REVn” appended to the show name, where “n” is a digit starting at 1 and incremented for each save operation. This allows the user to load previous versions of the show file if desired.

save “myshow” <ENTER> - Will save the current show to a file named myshow.neo in the default show file folder.

load “c:\my documents\NEO shows\myshow” <ENTER> - Will load the show myshow.neo located in the directory specified. 

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