Record Palette

Edward Updated by Edward

This button provides a quick way of recording a palette without having to fill out fields in a dialog. To record a palette, first select a fixture or fixtures and set the attributes (Intensity, Position, Color, etc.) you wish to record. Then click on the Record Palette button to display the following menu:

Selecting one of these options (Intensity, Position, Color, etc.) will record a palette with the label “{Attribute Type} {n}” (Example: Color 3).  The number of each type will be assigned incrementally. The Groups Editor can be used to modify the label, or any other attributes stored in the palette.


The Update button will display a secondary list of palette types. This function is used to change values stored in existing palettes by first applying the palette, changing the desired attribute value(s) and then choosing a palette type to update.

How did we do?

Record Group

Palette Windows
