User Security

Edward Updated by Edward

To control access to various parts of the software you can set up users and passwords from the “User Security” window.

Once a user has been added to the software, the security feature will become active and require a login each time the software starts. By default, no users will be defined in the system. An empty user list is the equivalent of turning off the security feature.


NEO Notes & Tips: The software will not allow you to disable the “Edit User Security” option if the selected user is the last one with this privilege.

To create a new user, click on the “Add User” button in the bottom left of the window. A new line will appear in the grid above with the default name “New User”. Once the user has been added you can edit the name, password and define the security privileges.

Most of the security features center around allowing or denying access to the various windows within the software. For example, if you would like to prevent a user from opening the “Cue List” window uncheck the option in the right-hand panel of the window. The “Record” privilege is a special option that can be used to prevent a user from modifying the show while still providing access to windows like the “Cue Playbacks” and “Channel Display”.


You can set an “Administrator” flag for each user. If the flag is set to “Off” for a user, they will not have access to the security screen. At least one user must have the flag set to “On” and the last user with that privilege cannot set it to “Off”.


NEO Notes & Tips: Should the administrator password be forgotten, the security system can be reset with the following: On the alphanumeric keyboard, press the <WINDOWS> + <S> keys. This will display the “NEO Control Panel”. Choose the “File Manager” from the “Applications” menu. Navigate to C:/Users/NEO/AppData/Roaming/NEO and delete the file “sec_users.xml”.

By default, a new user will have all privileges enabled. Use the “Uncheck All” to remove all access to the user. You can then add access to the user as required.


Once you have set up a user in the software, the security will become enabled. The next time you start the software you will be asked to login with a username and password.

The username will default to the last name used to login to the software and will automatically place the cursor into the password field. Enter the password for the user and press the enter key or click “OK” to proceed to the main interface.


If you wish to log in a different user, open the selection list (arrow) to see the list of registered users. Once the software is running the current user may be logged out and a new user logged in by clicking the ”Logout” button at the bottom of the Options Menu.

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