FX Playbacks

Edward Updated by Edward

“Effect Playbacks” provide a quick and easy way to access effects in an ad-hoc manner. Once you have created your effects (See section FX List Editor), they can be used either within cue lists or manually from effects runners.


Open the “Effects Playback” window by clicking on the “Fx Playbacks” button at the bottom of the Main Display or pressing the <F9> key on your keyboard.

This window will remain empty until you begin adding playbacks by clicking on the “Add Playback” button. Playbacks can be removed by clicking on the small X in the top right of the frame.


At any time, you can re-order the playbacks by right-clicking to bring up the move menu. Click on the “Move Up”, “Move Down” or “Move To” to rearrange the effect runner appearance order.

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