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Controlling Fixtures
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Groups & Palettes
Groups & Palettes Editor
Group Details
Group Details Pane
Channels Overview Tab
Channel Grid
Timing & Delay
Groups & Palettes Editor
Editor Grid
Editor Options
Select Active Button
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Group Mode Commands
Palette Types
Recording & Updating Groups & Palettes - Command Line
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Record Palette
Palette Windows
Generic Palettes
FX Playbacks
FX Editor
FX Editor
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Timeline effect
Profile effect
Matrix Effect
Paint Box Effect
Media Playback Effect
DMX Recorder
Deleting an Effect
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Effect Editor Controls
Recording Chases
Cues & Cue Lists
Cue List Editor
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Cue List Editor
Cue Lists
Cue List Grid
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Cue Options
Cue List Execution
Recording & Updating Cues - Command Line
Recording Cues - UI
Update Cue - UI
Cue Timing
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Copying & Moving Cues
Deleting Cues
Cue Execution Commands
Magic Sheets
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NEO Tips & Tricks
- All Categories
- Groups & Palettes
- Groups & Palettes Editor
- Group Details
- Group Details Pane
Group Details Pane
by Edward
The details pane shows all the data associated with the channels recorded into a group and is divided into various tabs.
In channel groups the attributes can have an “Off” value. Cells that are in this state will also be greyed out to make them easily identifiable. To set a value to the “Off” state simply type an O into the cell or any non-valid character. “Off” values will be ignored when the channel group is applied.
The values set in the overview and DMX tabs will determine the maximum level that the attribute will reach when the group value is at 100%. For example, if a channel’s dimmer level is set to 50% in the channel group details pane, then when the group value is at 100%, the channel’s dimmer will be set to 50%. If the group value is set to 25% then the channel’s dimmer will be set to 12.5% (25% of 50%).
Tricks for editing multiple cells at once:
This window provides a few hidden techniques to make entering large amounts of information easier.
The first step to using these features is to select multiple cells at once. By holding down the mouse button you can click and drag over any number of cells in the grid and all the cells will become selected. You can select multiple cells by selecting the first one and then holding the <SHIFT> key down and selecting the last one. You can select multiple cells in any number of columns however it may not make sense to edit some columns together.
Once you have selected the cells you want to edit, enter a value into the first cell and press the <ENTER> key. As soon as you are done, all the highlighted cells will receive the value you have entered.
The value in one field can be copied and pasted into other fields. Select the field to be copied and right-click on it. Choose the copy option in the popup menu. Now click on other field(s) to replace the current value(s) with the copied value. When through, right-click again and choose “Cancel Copy”.
The right-click menu also has the option to clear the selected cell(s).
Time and Delay fields – The time and delay columns will accept the same technique for entering values into multiple cells, however these fields support additional syntax for spread timing. You can enter a range of times using the “/” as a through command.
e.g. 1/10 – This will put time values into the selected cells spreading them between 1 and 10 seconds. The first cell will receive 1 second and the last cell 10 seconds. Every other cell will receive a value between 1 and 10seconds depending on their position.
e.g. 2/15/3 – This is similar to the above example, but the middle value will be placed into the middle cell of the selected range. So that the first cell will receive 2 seconds the middle cell will receive 15 seconds and the last cell 3 seconds. All other cells will receive a proportion of the range entered.
R10 – the “R” is a special modifier that means “random”. Using the “R” in front of the value means that the result will be a random number between 0 and 10. All the selected cells will receive a different random number.