Recording Chases

Edward Updated by Edward

Record Fx

The “Record Fx” button is located along the top of the Main Display. The “Record Fx” options can be used to record simple effects. For more advanced options, see section titled “FX List Editor”.

The main button function (left-hand side of the button) will present a dialog to add active fixtures to a simple chase step as shown below:

Use the filter and name pulldowns to select an existing effect and enter the desired step and times (if desired).  You can also limit the step to certain attribute types by setting the switches in the lower half of the dialog.

Record Fx Options

The following options are available via the drop-down menu:

Add active fixtures to simple chase step – Same as main button.


Add selected fixtures to simple chase step – Use selected rather than active fixtures.

Create a simple chase from selected fixtures

If the switch labelled Interleave by fixture count is Off, the number of steps created will be the number of channels (fixtures) selected divided by the number of Channels per step.  If the switch is On, the box to the left becomes Number of steps and in each step, a staggered pattern of fixtures will be included.

 You can also limit the chase to certain attribute types by setting the switches in the lower half of the dialog.


Create a simple CMY/RGB cycle from selected fixtures

This option will create a 6-step chase with each step containing all the selected fixtures. Each step will change the color to one of the 6 primary saturated colors in those fixtures that support color mixing capabilities.


Create a simple color wheel chase from selected fixtures

This option also creates a chase based on the selected fixtures. Only one fixture type can be selected for this option to work. The resulting chase will have as many steps as color wheel frames are found for the fixtures. Each step will contain all the selected fixtures and will move the color wheel one frame per step.

Create a palette chase from selected fixtures

This option will create a chase with the selected fixtures where the content of each step is selected from a list of palettes. Use the Add and Remove buttons to move palettes into and out of the include list. Use the Move Up and Move down buttons to change the order that playback will occur.


Create a standalone FX from running library effect

If you have library effects running directly in the channel view, you can turn them into show effects by selecting this option in the menu. The channels that the effect is currently running on will be used to build the effect.

 Enter a name to be given to the new show effect. Once you have entered a name for the effect click on the OK button to proceed with the operation. To cancel the operation at any time, click on the Cancel button. If more than one effect is running, new dialogs will be displayed until all have been named.

Labels can be added to aid in grouping and locating effects later in the Effects Editor.

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