Notes Tab

Edward Updated by Edward

After the desired text is entered, use the button or “Save” button under the “Options” menu to include the note in the cue.  A note may be saved to a file and recalled for other cues or used in other show files. An image from a capture device may be added also which will be displayed in the background. This function is found under the “Edit” menu.


Playback options – The following may be selected from the menu:


Automatically show cue notes window – Normally when a cue containing a note is executed, NEO will display it in a read-only pop-up window and in a small box at the bottom of the sidebar if the Display Option “Show cue notes” under the “View” menu on the Channel Display has been set. To stop the display in the pop-up window, uncheck this option.


Send Notes to Telnet Sessions – If this option is checked, then when a cue executes, the notes will be sent to all telnet sessions that are currently connected.


Read cue notes on execute – Using the build in speech engine of Windows, the software will read the text in a computer voice out the default sound device of your computer.


Clear display if cue notes are blank – If this option is unchecked, then the last note displayed will remain on screen until the next cue with a valid note is executed. With this option checked the cue notes screen will be cleared when the next cue with no note is executed.


Preview notes for the next cue on execute – With this option checked, the playback of cue notes will always be one cue ahead of the current cue.


Automatically close when empty – With this option checked, the notes window will close when the next cue with no notes is executed.

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Paths Tab
