
Edward Updated by Edward

Groups displays a grid of all the groups that have been defined. Clicking on a group within the grid causes the channels stored in the group to be selected. Selecting channels by using this grid obeys the same rules as manual selection and whether “Inclusive selection mode” is set.

The Page Up, Page Down and the page number buttons may be used display more groups if they have been defined.

The Detach button may be used to create a separate window that then may be dragged to a second monitor and added to an advanced layout.


Filters – The first three options are a set of radio buttons (only one at a time may be set) that alter the fixtures that get selected as described.

Set Group Grid Size – The default grid size is 10 x 10. Use this option to specify a different grid size. The number of rows and the number of columns can be set independently.

Skip Unused Groups Numbers – If the there are gaps in the group numbers that have been assigned, this option removes unassigned grid squares for a more compact display.

Button Options

Each button in the grid is customizable by right-clicking to display a menu.

Each button’s label text, background color and text color can be modified using the appropriate option. Also, you can reset the color of the background and text if desired.

The position of a group in the grid is determined initially by the Group # assigned when it was recorded or changed. The Move option can be used to reassign its number and position in the grid. Using the Insert… option, you can open a space in a block of groups in order to add new ones.

A group can be removed from the grid by using the Delete option.

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Recording Buttons & Options

