Timing Commands

Edward Updated by Edward

Master Fade Time

The following commands can be used to set the master fade time for all channels. Once you have set the desired time, all changes made to fixture intensity levels will apply over this time.

NEO Notes & Tips: The master fade time applies to manual level changes only. This value will be overridden by cue and effects controls when running a show.

The syntax for this command is (use either keyword):

(fade | time) {time in seconds}


The delete command provides a quick way to delete a cue, group, submaster or shortcut. The syntax is:

delete (cue | group | sub | sc) {number}

When the command is entered, a confirmation dialog will be displayed to allow executing or cancelling the command.


NEO now supports an internal timecode generator that can run independent of any media playback. To enable internal timecodes, enable the option in the timecode tab of the “External Triggers” window. Once enabled, the timecode generator can be controlled with the following commands:

tc reset – This command will reset the internal timecode back to 00:00:00:00.

tc pause – The internal timecode will stop in its current position.

tc reset pause – Reset the timecode and pause at 00:00:00:00.

tc con – Timecode will continue from where it was paused.

tc {time value} – Use this to set the timecode to a specific value.

The time value is specified as: {hours}:{minutes}:{seconds}:{frame}


The tempo commands can be used to control the tap tempo functions of the software:

tempo reset – Reset the tap tempo in the system.

tempo pause – Temporarily pause the tap tempo events.

tempo con – Resume the paused tap tempo events.

tempo {value} – Set the tap tempo rate in bpm.

tempo div {value} – Divide the tempo by the specified amount.

Stopwatch Commands

If the stopwatch is displayed in the sidebar, it may be controlled with the following command:

sw (start | stop | reset)

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