Generic Palettes

Edward Updated by Edward

NEO Notes & Tips: The use of generic palettes has been replaced by the ability to designate specific palette types as virtual.. Generic palettes recorded into show files produced with earlier versions of the NEO software can still be applied, but it is recommended that new shows use the virtual method.

Clicking the “Generic Palettes” button brings up the Generic Palettes window, an example of which is shown below:

This window can be used to apply any of the generic palettes that have already been defined, edit the contents of or delete existing palettes, and create new palettes.


As shown above, the window has a 10x10 grid (default) displaying groups of 100 buttons on each of 10 pages. The page buttons can be modified with a description and background color by right-clicking on the desired button.


The pull-down menu under the “Palettes” button on the Main Display has a “Generics” tab that can be used to apply them directly. Shortcuts can be assigned also to allow application from the Shortcuts pages or physical buttons.


To edit the contents of a defined palette, right-click on its button and choose “Edit”. To record a new palette, click on an empty cell in the grid.  In both cases, a dialog box with the appropriate title will be displayed:

You can enter new or changed values for the generic fixture data in the fields provided.


NEO Notes & Tips: Creating or updating generic palettes using the method above requires knowledge of how parameters are applied to fixtures. For instance, Position is specified in degrees of pan and tilt; Iris, Shutter, etc. are expressed in %.  Rather than creating generic palettes using these dialogs, it is easier to use the standard recording techniques detailed in “Recording Groups and Palettes” and use the Virtual Palette method to apply them.

To delete a palette, right-click on its button and choose “Clear” which will display a confirmation dialog before removing the entry.

A defined palette may be relocated on the grid by right-clicking and choosing the “Move” option, then clicking on an empty cell in the grid.

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Palette Windows
