Effect Library

Edward Updated by Edward

The effect library is a convenient way to save and recall your favorite profile effects. Once you have created an effect it can be copied to the library and will not be removed when you create a new show. NEO comes with a collection of effects already in the library which can be used as starting points for creating new effects.

A library effect looks exactly the same as a profile effect except it is missing the channels that the effect will use to run. The selected library effect is highlighted in blue and the heading along the top of the right hand of the window will display its name.



To create a new profile effect based on one in the library, select the template from the library and click on the “Add effect” button, which will display the following dialog:

Fill in the dialog entries as needed and click on “OK”.  The newly created effect will immediately become visible in the right-hand side of the Effects Editor.


To add an existing profile effect into the library, simply select it from the list, right click and select “Add to library”. The name you have given the effect will also become the name of the library item.

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Effect Options

Effect Editor Controls
