Copying & Moving Cues

Edward Updated by Edward

Within a cue list, cues may be copied and moved. Some examples:

[CUE] [1][0] [COPY] ‘COPY FROM’ [6] [ENTER] – Create a new Cue 10 from Cue 6. If Cue 10 already existed, a warning dialog will be displayed.

[CUE] [1][0] [COPY] ‘COPY FROM’ [COPY] ‘COPY FROM (CLEAN UP)’ [6] – Same as above but the new cue will have no attribute instructions to allow them to ‘track through’ from the previous cue (Cue 9 in this case).

[CUE] [1][2] [COPY] ‘COPY FROM’ [5] [THRU] [8] [ENTER] – Create a series of cues staring at Cue 12 from Cues 5-8. If any of the new cues exist, a warning dialog will be displayed.

[CUE] [5] [COPY] ‘COPY FROM’ [COPY] ‘COPY FROM (CLEAN UP)’ [COPY] ‘MOVE TO’ [9] [ENTER] – Move Cue 5 to Cue 9. If Cue 9 already exists, a warning dialog will be displayed.

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