Record Group

Edward Updated by Edward

The “Record Group” button is located along the top of the Main Display. The main button function (left hand side of the button) will record a group by taking a snapshot of the selected channels’ state.

Enter the name for the fixture group you want to create or modify. For existing groups, you can use the arrow at the right of the name box to display a list. You can also assign a submaster and/or a shortcut at this time.


Depending on the options set in System Properties>Show Defaults, the boxes labelled “Submaster

Number” and “Shortcut Number” will be populated or be blank. If “Auto assign next available submaster“ is set, the number of the lowest submaster not already assigned will be displayed and if “Auto assign next available shortcut“ is set, the word “Auto” will be displayed. Either of these values can be overridden by clicking on the box and entering new data.


Set the “Record Mode” as desired. The default is Selected for a new group and Changed Only for an

update. Other choices for a new group are Selected & Changed and Active. For an update, Changed Only is the only option. Likewise, set the “Include Running Effects” switch as desired (default is “Off”). These defaults can be changed in System Properties>Show Defaults as well.


If the “Exclude Zeros” switch is set to On, any attributes of the selected fixtures that have a value of 0 will not get recorded or updated.


“Store as a Preset” – Changes palette type to “Preset”.



If updating an existing group, the next two switches will appear:


Set the “Update Existing Data Only” switch to limit any changes to channels already in the group. In the Off position, new channels not already in the group could be added.


Set the “Re-record (Replace)” switch to replace any channels already recorded into the group with the currently selected channels.


When using the snapshot option for recording channel groups, you can select what attribute types you want to record into the group. By default, all types are turned on for a new group. A channel group can have any combination of attributes (or none) and does not have to control the dimmer at all. If updating an existing group, the switches will reflect what was originally recorded into the group.


NEO Notes & Tips: The above applies only when using the Record Group button on the main display. If using the command line method, what gets recorded into the group is determined by the settings in the “Group” column of Palette Types Record Defaults. See “Edit Palette Type” below for more information.

Palette Type Rules


·         If no submaster is assigned and all other switches are at their default settings, the palette type will be set to “Group”.


·         If a submaster is assigned, the palette type will be set to “Submaster”.


·         If a single attribute type is selected, the group will be stored as that type. For example, if all the attribute types are OFF except “Intensity”, the palette type will be set to “Intensity”.


·         If “Store as a Preset” is ON, the palette type will be set to “Preset”.


As the group’s value is adjusted from 0 to 100%, the channels’ output value is the proportion of its set maximum. By default, all fixture properties will operate the same way. However, the behavior of non-intensity attributes can be changed on a group by group basis via the “Snap Attributes” option.


Click on the “OK” button to create or update the channel group or the “Cancel” button to exit and return to the previous screen without recording a group.



Record Group Options

The following options are available via the drop-down menu:

Add selected fixtures to group (Dimmer Only) - This option will add the selected channels (fixtures) to a channel group with the dimmer (intensity) level set at full and all other attributes turned off. If the group does not exist, it will be created before the channels are added.

 The dialogs are the same as shown above with the exception that the attribute selection switches are not shown.

 Add selected fixtures to group (Snapshot current state) – This option is the same as clicking the main Record Group button.

 Remove selected fixtures from group - Use this option to remove the currently selected channels from an already recorded group. For this option, the dialog to the right will appear:

Use the arrow at the right of the “Group Name” box to select the group.


By default, all attributes of the selected channels will be removed. The check boxes may be set as desired to limit the attributes that get removed.





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Recording & Updating Groups & Palettes - Command Line

Record Palette
