
Edward Updated by Edward

Submasters can be assigned to perform several functions. Traditionally a submaster is a physical slide control, such as those provided by the standard or compact NEO consoles, that allows the user to input a value between 0 and 100 (%) or 0 and 255 (DMX). In addition, the NEO software supports graphical submasters and the use of hardware wings containing physical sliders.


The following functions can be assigned to NEO submasters:


  • §  Channel groups (Specific Palettes)
  • §  Cue “GO” execution
  • §  Cue intensity override
  • §  Effect Playback intensity override
  • §  Chase step rate control
  • §  Chase fade time control

NEO provides up to 100,000 submasters that are accessed through pages. See section System Settings for information to specify how many pages the system creates and how many submasters (up to 100) per page.


The on-screen submaster windows can be displayed by clicking the “Submasters” button on the Main Display (if visible) or pressing <F11> on the keyboard. The initial page displayed may be set using the “Submaster Page” control.

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On-Screen Submasters
