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6 articles by 1 author

Channels - Grid

This view is the default installed setting. Each block controls one channel or fixture. Channel (Dimmer) Details. Each block contains a channel number with a grey background, the current intensity le…

Updated by Edward

Channels - Attributes

The Attributes window is designed to work specifically with intelligent fixtures (moving lights) and groups of fixtures by their type. This view is scrollable both vertically and horizontally. Any of…

Updated by Edward


To the right of the fixture grid is a section called the sidebar. This section displays the Current Playback and can display the Fixture Control window and FX controls when appropriate. Below is a sc…

Updated by Edward

DMX View

The DMX display is provided as a monitor of the system output by showing the values being sent to the DMX hardware. Each DMX address is represented as a cell in the above grid. The DMX value is displ…

Updated by Edward
